#rock hudson
#magazine photoplay
#year 1961
#decade 1960s
#type studio and publicity photos
#ph vol 59 no 1
#loretta young
#spencer tracy
#mans castle
#magazine modern screen
#year 1934
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer otto dyar
#ms vol 7 no 2
#ann blyth
#magazine movieland
#year 1949
#decade 1940s
#type studio and publicity photos
#ml vol 7 no 10
#dorothy gish
#magazine motion picture
#year 1920
#decade 1920s
#type studio and publicity photos
#mp vol 20 no 10
#marilyn monroe
#magazine photoplay
#year 1952
#decade 1950s
#type studio and publicity photos
#ph vol 42 no 5 52
#karen morley
#magazine motion picture
#year 1932
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer george hurrell
#mp vol 44 no 4
#frank sinatra
#magazine modern screen
#year 1957
#decade 1950s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer paul burchman
#ms vol 51 no 11
#deanna durbin
#magazine modern screen
#year 1940
#decade 1940s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer ray jones
#ms vol 21 no 3
#shannon day
#magazine motion picture classic
#year 1922
#decade 1920s
#type studio and publicity photos
#mpc vol 9 no 4 22
#gary cooper
#magazine silver screen
#year 1931
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer otto dyar
#si vol 1 no 10
#joan crawford
#magazine the new movie
#year 1934
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer george hurrell
#nm vol 10 no 3
#ida lupino
#magazine picture play
#year 1936
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer tom evans
#pp vol 45 no 4
#ida lupino
#magazine picture play
#year 1936
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer tom evans
#pp vol 45 no 4
#james cagney
#magazine photoplay
#year 1932
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer andrew ferenc
#ph vol 43 no 1
#estelle taylor
#magazine motion picture
#year 1920
#decade 1920s
#type studio and publicity photos
#mp vol 20 no 10
#linda darnell
#magazine modern screen
#year 1940
#decade 1940s
#type studio and publicity photos
#ms vol 21 no 3
#janet gaynor
#magazine movie mirror
#year 1936
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#mm vol 8 no 5
#dinah shore
#magazine movieland
#year 1943
#decade 1940s
#type studio and publicity photos
#ml vol 1 no 11
#marion davies
#magazine screenland
#year 1924
#decade 1920s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer alfred cheney johnson
#sc vol 9 no 2
#joan crawford
#magazine picture play
#year 1930
#decade 1930s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer george hurrell
#pp vol 32 no 4
#barbara stanwyck
#magazine photoplay
#year 1947
#decade 1940s
#type studio and publicity photos
#photographer scotty welbourne
#ph vol 31 no 4 47