#i love how much this show normalized his arm
#showed it doing normal
#every day things
#it felt more like a part of him than it ever has before
#instead of just a fancy weapon that he was stuck with
#i love how much this show normalized his arm
#showed it doing normal
#every day things
#it felt more like a part of him than it ever has before
#instead of just a fancy weapon that he was stuck with
#i love how much this show normalized his arm
#showed it doing normal
#every day things
#it felt more like a part of him than it ever has before
#instead of just a fancy weapon that he was stuck with
#i love how much this show normalized his arm
#showed it doing normal
#every day things
#it felt more like a part of him than it ever has before
#instead of just a fancy weapon that he was stuck with
#i love how much this show normalized his arm
#showed it doing normal
#every day things
#it felt more like a part of him than it ever has before
#instead of just a fancy weapon that he was stuck with