#19th century
#arthur hughes
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#the white hind
#19th century
#valentine cameron prinsep
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#a venetian water carrier
#20th century
#evelyn de morgan
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#death of the dragon
#19th century
#john william waterhouse
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#the merman
#19th century
#topsy and ned
#prb cartoons
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#edward burne jones
#william morris
#this friendship
#19th century
#prb cartoons
#edward burne jones
#william morris
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#topsy and ned
#19th century
#john melhuish strudwick
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#the annunciation
#19th century
#william holman hunt
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#the eve of st. agnes
#20th century
#john byam liston shaw
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#cupid driving the lovers
#19th century
#joseph noel paton
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#dante alighieri
#19th century
#john melhuish strudwick
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#apollo and marsyas
#19th century
#elizabeth siddal
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#lady affixing a pennant
#19th century
#dante’s first meeting with beatrice
#simeon solomon
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#19th century
#walter crane
#ruth and boaz
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#19th century
#frederic james shields
#the annunciation
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#19th century
#john everett millais
#only a lock of hair
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#19th century
#john everett millais
#david wilkie wynfield
#prb photograph
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#©v&a collections
#19th century
#ford madox brown
#elijah and the widow's son
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#19th century
#john brett
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#harlyn sands
#19th century
#thomas seddon
#pre-raphaelite brotherhood
#léhon from mont parnasse brittany