#edgar degas
#19th century
#prints and printmakers
#french impressionists
#french artists
#les ambassadeurs
#night life
#café concert
#stage curtains
#belle époque
#french impressionism
#jean-louis lefort
#20th century
#french painters
#french artists
#les ambassadeurs
#café concert
#belle époque
#music halls
#outdoor cafés
#outdoor restaurants
#edgar degas
#19th century
#prints and printmakers
#french impressionists
#french printmakers
#french artists
#les ambassadeurs
#café concert
#belle époque
#french impressionism
#paul gauguin
#french painters
#french artists
#french symbolists
#19th century
#winter landscapes
#winter scenes
#pont-aven school
#paul gauguin
#french painters
#french artists
#french symbolists
#french portraitists
#young girls
#jeanne goupil
#19th century
#modern art
#french avant-garde
#decoration and ornament
#paul gauguin
#french artists
#french painters
#french symbolists
#19th century
#modern art
#french avant-garde
#avant garde
#paul chenavard
#french painters
#french artists
#french draughtsmen
#19th century
#gods and goddesses
#classical mythology
#bows and arrows
#arms and armor
#classical architecture
#paris salon
#paul gauguin
#french painters
#french artists
#french symbolists
#19th century
#marine paintings
#sea foam
#modern art
#avant garde
#french avant-garde
#paul gauguin
#french painters
#french artists
#french landscapists
#19th century
#breton landscapes
#atlantic ocean
#french symbolists
#le pouldu
#modern art
#french avant-garde
#avant garde
#henri fantin-latour
#fantin latour
#french painters
#french artists
#french art
#19th century
#still lifes
#still life paintings
#still life painters
#flower paintings
#flower painters
#floral art
#floral arrangements
#henri fantin-latour
#fantin latour
#french painters
#french artists
#french art
#19th century
#still lifes
#still life paintings
#still life painters
#victor florence pollet
#french artists
#french watercolorists
#french painters
#paris salon
#19th century
#classical mythology
#gods and goddesses
#female beauty
#male beauty
#water gourds
#animal skins
#crescent moons
#sébastien bourdon
#french baroque
#baroque art
#french artists
#french painters
#french classicism
#17th century
#king solomon
#old testament
#1 kings
#book of kings
#gods and goddesses
#grand manner
#animal sacrifice
#sébastien bourdon
#french baroque
#baroque art
#french artists
#french draftsmen
#french classicism
#17th century
#old testament
#book of exodus
#golden calf
#ten commandments
#grand manner
#sébastien bourdon
#french baroque
#baroque art
#french artists
#french painters
#french classicism
#17th century
#old testament
#book of numbers
#metal serpent
#brazen serpent
#brass serpent
#grand manner
#charles-louis mozin
#french painters
#french artists
#19th century
#french landscapists
#paris salon
#gustave caillebotte
#french impressionism
#french impressionists
#french artists
#french painters
#still lifes
#19th century
#fresh fruits
#fruit stands
#market stands
#james tissot
#french painters
#french artists
#french portraitists
#belle époque
#victorian london
#19th century
#group portraits
#flower beds
#potted plants
#garden urns
#kathleen newton
#cecil george newton
#muriel mary violet newton
#st. john's wood
#garden party
#garden parties
#jean dewasne
#20th century
#french painters
#french artists
#french art
#concrete art
#geometric art
#abstract art
#nonfigurative art
#geometric shapes
#figure eights
#geometric abstraction
#french abstract painters
#abstract painters
#jean dewasne
#20th century
#french painters
#french artists
#french art
#concrete art
#geometric art
#abstract art
#nonfigurative art
#geometric shapes
#gods and goddesses
#classical mythology
#geometric abstraction
#french abstract painters
#abstract painters