#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#look at them
#they're wonderful
#look at deb's storybook vibes
#what excellent girls
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#still valid
#excuse my vampires
#i love them
#they look /happy/
#excuse my vampires
#vampire chronicles
#i feel no remorse
#thank you sincerely
#sweet like blood sugar
#excuse my vampires
#look at them glow in the moonlight
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#excuse my vampires
#he's my /favourite/
#but he doesn't make me smile
#he makes me grimace in horror
#vandal cleaver
#excuse my vampires
#what a joy of a blog to trip over by accident
#i know very little about these two bookwise
#but i love this
#look at those goofy toothy grins
#and the /light/
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#this is great
#excuse my vampires
#i love this
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#i love this
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#i love this
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#i love this
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#i love this
#excuse my vampires
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#oh this is so soft and glowy
#i adore it
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#excuse my vampires
#oh this is so soft and glowy
#i adore it
#i feel it most aqueuetely
#excuse my vampires