#dragon bros
#there is a thunderstorm outside
#it so cool
#it has been very hot all day so its a nice refreshing
#i havent got my pencil back
#it looks so fun and then you taste it and everything is sad
#my mom likes it but she is pretty hardcore
#you know the most mysterious thing happened yesterday
#i woke up and the floor was covered in tiny balls
#tiny metal balls
#they were everywhere
#so vacuumed them away
#hours later i see more and more tiny metal balls
#but i see no tiny metal balls in the hallway
#so i investigated
#and you know what it was
#it was the tape dispender
#i fixed it with well tape
#but im not really over this yet
#are all tape dispenders filled with metal balls
#who makes them
#what else was filled with tiny metal balls the whole time
#i forgot the white dragons nostril again
#i hope you are having a nice day
#my marmelade didnt really get hard