#thank you playbill gifmakers
#creating the narrative
#one of those lines you just have to scream
#creating the narrative
#hey pretty ladies
#creating the narrative
#adventure is out there
#creating the narrative
#sorta kinda not really at all
#no no no
#creating the narrative
#poor and peggy
#creating the narrative
#poor and peggy
#creating the narrative
#poor and peggy
#creating the narrative
#poor and peggy
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#i love these dorks
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#the castle anthrax one im dying
#creating the narrative
#the castle anthrax one im dying
#creating the narrative
#the castle anthrax one im dying
#creating the narrative
#the castle anthrax one im dying
#creating the narrative
#the castle anthrax one im dying
#creating the narrative
#now im curious
#creating the narrative
#i feel like this always happens at play rehearsals
#every time
#creating the narrative
#lin pls
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative
#creating the narrative