#art of the day
#françois boucher
#whats not to love
#nicolas lancret
#photo of the day
#18th century
#french rococo
#vasilii kotarbinsky
#photo of the day
#picture of beauty
#eugenio zampighi
#photo of the day
#italian artist
#jos van krasbek
#oil on canvas
#art of the day
#fabio cipolla
#italian art
#oil on canvas
#photo of the day
#art of the day
#jean lemaire
#oil on canvas
#ancient greece
#picture of the day
#vasyl kohutycn
#art of the day
#artist on tumblr
#photo of the day
#vasyl kohutycn
#art of the day
#artist on tumblr
#photo of the day
#vasyl kohutycn
#art of the day
#artist on tumblr
#photo of the day
#vasyl kohutycn
#art of the day
#artist on tumblr
#photo of the day
#russian art
#fine arts
#jean honore fragonard
#french rococo
#fine arts
#jean honore fragonard
#french rococo
#fine arts
#jean honore fragonard
#french rococo
#fine arts
#jean honore fragonard
#french rococo
#fine arts
#jean honore fragonard
#french rococo
#fine arts
#françois boucher
#french rococo
#fine arts
#françois boucher
#french rococo
#fine arts
#antoine jean duclos
#fine arts
#jean leon gerome
#fine arts
#jakub schikaneder
#fine arts
#luis jimenez y aranda
#fine arts
#ludwig munthe
#fine arts
#gaetano bellei
#fine arts
#wladyslaw czachorski
#fine arts
#henry bacon